The result of the effort

Pago de Carraovejas 2021

Our estate wine

The most honest interpretation of the Carraovejas Valley.
Body, structure and balance with a vibrant background. Delicacy, harmony and passion for detail are perceived in a wine that reflects the unique character of the valley in an outstanding way.

  • Varieties: Tinto Fino (92%), Cabernet Sauvignon (5%) and Merlot (3%).
  • Alcohol by volume: 15%.
  • Soils: limestone texture with red clays and white loams. Low granulometry and high water retention.
  • Altitude: 850 meters
  • Harvest: manual, in 15 kg boxes.
Balance in an exceptional cycle
The 2021 vintage was characterized by a winter with high rainfall, which favored a homogeneous vegetive cycle in the vineyard while spontaneous and sown cover crops helped to control the vigor of the vines. There was a widespread bud break at the end of April without any climatic incidents. The vines did not encounter any interference in the development and evolution of the buds, which resulted in very good yields that were balanced thanks to the thinning technique. The harvest was longer than usual due to occasional periods of rainfall; it began on September 22 and ended on October 14.
Pago de Carraovejas 2021 is the most honest reflection of the valley to which it owes its name. An environment in which the vines climb the slopes to form a unique landscape. On the surface, its tertiary soil of limestone marl, clay and sandstone outcrops force the vines to self-regulate and give their best. Plots that converge in an orography marked by its unique mesoclimate. The vineyards re distributed from the middle zones to the moors that exceed 900 meters in altitude; from the gentle undulation that descends towards the stream, to the plots that exceed 30% slope. South- and northfacing slopes, each with its own personality, create the profile of the Carraovejas Valley.

The grapes for Pago de Carraovejas 2021 were harvested by hand after an initial selection of bunches in the vineyard. Subsequently, in the winery, a double selection was made: first by cluster then by berry. Gravity must production allows maximum respect for the raw material. During the fermentation process, indigenous yeasts and lactic bacteria from our own estate were used. The wine was aged in French and American oak barrels for 12 months. The entire process was marked by precision and care in every detail. For greater protection, the wine contains sulfites. Finally it was clarified with natural egg white and bottle in spring of 2023.

Pago de Carraovejas 2021 is a reflection of the valley to which it owes its name; a faithful and honest expression of the terroir. Its fresh and balanced character results in a wine that is full-bodied and agile. With a vibrant roundness, the floral nuances are perceived in a subtle way along with the fruit in an elaboration marked by its elegance, intensity and structure. A wine capable of boldly conveying its origin thanks to an exceptional identity. For the elaboration of this Pago de Carraovejas 2021, the three varieties present in the estate have been used: 92% of Tinto Fino, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon and 3% Merlot.

Harvest record