Accelerate the deployment and maturity of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) for the benefit of the digitalization of European SMEs

DIH-World’s main objective is to accelerate the adoption of advanced digital technologies by European manufacturing SMEs in all sectors, and to support them in developing sustainable competitive advantages, to promote their strengthening in international markets, as well as the capacities of regional DIHs (“Digital Innovations Hubs), particularly in under-represented European regions. As brokers for the successful local digital transformation of SMEs.

The ultimate aim of this initiative is to provide the network of DIHs with access to harmonised tools, validated technologies, effective methodologies, robust knowledge, smart investment sources, enriched capacitation assets and in general terms, a lively innovation environment. The DIH-World platform will provide comprehensive overage for the services required by the
DIH networks and those SMEs that are prepared to identify the most suitable digital technologies.


The DIH-Academy will provide the tools to train the DIH networks and bring them up to the next level, with open calls for experimentation that will provide sufficient technological support to SMEs and mid-caps. There will also be extensive geographical coverage, with more than 26 countries in Europe including specific activities to involve both regional and national players in the DIH network.

As a representative of the agri-food industry, Pago de Carraovejas will participate in an experiment that will apply artificial intelligence techniques to develop a smart storage system for finished products. It will be responsible for implementing the different visualisation modules as well as integrating the solution with its ERP. The Pago de Carraovejas team will also be responsible for deploying the solution in the warehouses of the Group’s different wine cellars.

Participants (40):
Pricewaterhousecoopers Public Sector Srl. (Italy). Imp’rove – European Innovation Management Academy Ewiv. (Germany). Innovalia Technology Companies Association. (Spain). Association Europeenne Des Agences De Developpement. (Belgium). Cbt Comunicacion & Multimedia SL. (Spain). AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. (Austria) Flanders Make Vzw. (Belgium). Bulgarian Innovation and Technology Hub. (Bulgaria). Razvojna Agencija Sisacko-Moslavacke Zupanije Si-Mo-Ra Doo Za Poticanje Gospodarskog Razvoja, Savjetovanje I Zastupanje. (Croatia). Cy.R.I.C Cyprus Research and Innovation Center Ltd. (Cyprus). Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke V Praze. (Czech Republic). Teknologisk Institut. (Denmark). Tallinna Tehnikaulikool. (Estonia). Ita-Suomen Yliopisto. (Finland). Association Images & Reseaux. (France), E­zienzcluster Management Gmbh. (Germany). Panepistimio Patron. (Greece). Dutireg Terulet Es Gazdasagfejlesztesi Szolgaltato Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary). University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Dublin. (Ireland). Distretto Meccatronico Regionale e Digital Innovation Hub della Puglia SCARL. (Italy). Elektronikas un Datorzinatnu Instituts. (Latvia). Luxinnovation Gie. (Luxembourg). Energy&Management As. (Norway). Siec Badawcza Lukasiewicz – Instytut Technologii Elektronowej. (Poland). Uninova-Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias-Associacao. (Portugal). Asociatia Intreprinderilor Mici Simijlocii Covasna. (Romania). Slovenska Technicka Univerzita V Bratislave. (Slovakia). Univerza V Mariboru. (Slovenia). Fundacion Instituto Internacional de Investigacion en Inteligencia Artificial y Ciencias de la Computacion. (Spain). Avantalia Soluciones Sl. (Spain). Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola Ab. (Sweden). Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne Ag. (Switzerland). Capsule Skateboards Ltd. (Cyprus). Fomatec Oy. (Finland). V-Test Szolgaltato Kft. (Hungary). Smart Factory Solutions Ltd. (Ireland). Aersea As. (Norway). Machine Prognostics As. (Norway). Bodegas Monje Sl. (Spain). Pago de Carraovejas SL. (Spain).

  • Start date: 1-07-2020
  •  Completion date: 30-06-2023

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020, under subsidy agreement no. 952176.